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We welcome contributions of all kinds.

Swaraj University is a small but potentially powerful step in the direction of 'Swaraj' the way MK Gandhi and Rabindranath Tagore imagined it. Our aim is to restore the definition/power/responsibility of learning back to the learner and the community and to revive local cultures, local economies and local ecologies. 

We invite you to join us on our journey. Swaraj University does not accept any grants from big donor agencies. We operate on the idea of Gift Culture, accepting gifts of various kinds from friends, supporters and well-wishers.

You can contribute by gifting books or films for the library, or laptops and phones for the media resource center, games and sport activities for the khojis, or gift us your time and share your skills and/or wisdom. Financial contributions to support scholarships for khoji's education and projects are also most welcome.

To Read more about the spirit of gift culture Click Here.

“Be the Gift...which you would like to contribute to the world.”
Manish Jain

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